Monday, 25 February 2013

Dolce & Gabbana A/W '13

Ok, so the Dolce woman couldn't be further removed from me- grown-up, polished, sexy, womanly.  I'm a perennial teenage girl in flat shoes and messy hair.  But somehow, in the past few seasons, I've warmed to Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana's vision of femininity, even if it's something I can only vaguely aspire to emulate when I finally feel like a grown-up.  For autumn/winter though, I'm massively coveting the little lace dresses, in red and white:  

And most importantly, they showed the best hair accessory so far this season (sorry Meadham Kirchhoff and Rodarte).  CROWNS.  Full-blown, Byzantine gold crowns.  Obviously I want one.  Here's hoping for a high-street copy.  Or a costume-shop one, I'm not fussy.  

photos from

Friday, 22 February 2013

25 Magazine

I must admit, I know nothing about this magazine, but it has a whole editorial centred around cat ears, so it's won me over.

More here.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Topshop Unique Part 2

Couldn't resist posting about this collection again, now that I've seen proper photos and read a bit about the inspiration on the Topshop blog.

Mainly I just wanted to say that I'm completely obsessed with this outfit:

I've already said that I seem to be obsessed with pink at the moment, in all forms but clothing, but this outfit could be the tipping point for wanting to drape myself in it, head to toe.  The shoes especially appeal to me- they're ballerina shoes but not remotely twee.  I'm also really, really liking midi-skirts with crop tops, and worn like this it doesn't look too 90s (at least not in the bad way). 

Also, the makeup was meant to make the girls looks as "if they’ve been hanging out at an old pub at Manchester in the ’80s.”  Because who wouldn't want to be doing just that?   (I'm fully aware I may be the only person in the word who romanticises 1980s Manchester, but I'm a die-hard Smiths fangirl, so I'm allowed)

Can this be available now please?  And magically find its way into my wardrobe?  It would make my life approximately 156984 times better.  Even the most tedious of tasks (hello, queuing at the post office) would be less painful if I could do them whilst wearing pink sequins.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Topshop Unique A/W 13

Rather annoyingly, I missed the livestream of the show, which included "model-cams" to give the audience a model's eye view of the whole thing, and official photos aren't up anywhere yet, but I did find some behind-the-scenes shots on Graziadaily.  So far it looks like a promising collection, and I especially liked the inclusion of colours other than  oxblood/brown/navy/khaki, all of which are appealing for approximately two months in autumn, after which I start craving something which stands in contrast to the unrelenting grey skies.  Admittedly, nothing shown is earth-shatteringly original, but it's a solid collection of not-quite-basics, and that's no bad thing.  My absolute favourite thing about this show though, was the makeup- cerulean-rimmed eyes and and pale pink-ish lips.  I've been wanting a change from my fallback makeup look of dark eyeliner and nude lips, so I'm itching to try this for myself, especially as it seemed to suit all the models, regardless of their colouring.  

I really look forward to seeing the full collection- Unique has come on leaps and bounds in the past few seasons and they've moved on from gimmicky collections aimed at 15 year olds to a more grown-up but still playful look, and they've become one of my favourite fixtures on the LFW calendar.  I'm just not convinced other high-street shops need to follow their lead (Whistles, I'm looking at you).  More photos here.

edit- Video is up on the Topshop site.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Mood Indigo

Rather predictably, I always love La Garconne's editorials, and their latest one, entitled Mood Indigo, is no exception.  They do arfully mussed minimalism so well, and manage to make everything look so desirable.  Also, bonus points for multiple outfits featuring Simone Rocha, whose current collection I'm semi-obsessed with. 

Friday, 15 February 2013

Rodarte A/W 2013

Despite what I said about not really caring for NYFW, here is a second post on the subject, because I couldn't not post about a show that includes this:

Chloe Norgaard has possibly the best hair ever, and this is apparently the only show she walked in.  I loved the hair and makeup here overall, though the clothes weren't quite my cup of tea.  

                                                                     Hair flowers!

If I had any idea how, I would absolutely copy this on my own hair, it's amazing.  Love the smudgy eyes as well- the inspiration was California beaches (which ties in nicely with my newly-discovered guilty pleasure, 90210) and the models' mascara was meant to look like it had melted off.  

photos from and Fashionista.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Chloe Sevigny x Opening Ceremony A/W 13

So far I've been thoroughly underwhelmed by fashion week, though I usually tend to tune out most of NYFW anyway, and I only really start paying attention once the fashion circus hits London.  I do tend to have a quick glance at the collections though, and the one that stood out for me was Chloe Sevigny's latest offerings for Opening Ceremony.  I must admit, I wasn't at all sold when I first saw the lookbook, modelled entirely by Chloe.  I came across photos from the actual presentation though, modelled by actual, erm, models, and fell in love.  First off, it's inspired by 60s youth protest movements, which instantly won me over, as I've been obsessed with 60s counter-culture for, like, ever.  Secondly, it's modelled by waifish models with long, messy hair and kohl-rimmed eyes, which is my favourite default beauty look (and it's only partly because I'm too lazy to do much else).  

And I've found next winter's coat, should I come across a large sum of money to actually buy it.  

It also solves my whole if-I'm-against-real-fur-is-it-ok-to-wear-something-that-mimics-it dilemma by looking nothing like an actual animal's fur and more like a teddy bear costume.  Which is obviously acceptable.

Pink, gingham and smock dresses.  Perfect.

 Love the white swing coat and the green hair.   

More pink gingham and white platforms (I feel a white shoe love-affair coming on).

Photos from Showstudio and Paper.

Wearing lately...

left: top-Cos, shorts- diy, boots- Massimo Dutti.  right- jumpsuit- Topshop, top- Bershka, boots- Massimo Dutti
Seeing other blogs where people post proper outfit photos makes me almost ashamed to bother sharing my own very amateur and hastily snapped efforts.  But I quite liked these two outfits I wore recently, so thought I'd post anyway.  Also, I'm incredibly unlikely to acquire either an actual camera or the nerve to stand in public whilst someone takes multiple pictures of what I'm wearing in the near future, so these will have to suffice.

P.S. I finally own dungarees (or a "pinafore jumpsuit" as Topshop have decided to call it).  Am v. v. excited.  Just need a short version for spring/summer now and I'll be a happy bunny.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

& Other Stories

I'm really intrigued by the new concept by the group behind H&M/Cos/Monki/etc and  I've been obsessively checking their site and tumblr in the hopes of getting a glimpse of their upcoming collection.  The latest peek they've provided comes in the form of this video:

There are a few things I'm really keen to see in person, and generally I'm curious to see this collection in person.  What I don't fully get is what the difference will be between & Other Stories and the other brands under the H&M umbrella, especially Cos, which is already meant to be their high-end arm.  This is perhaps a bit "edgier", for lack of a better word, but it doesn't really look all that different.  I look forward to a trip to their Regent Street branch on my next trip back to London though, to see it all for myself.  In the meantime, I leave you with some photos that caught my eye from their tumblr:

P.S. I don't know what's come over me lately, but I seem to be obsessed with the colour pink.  Luckily that seems to stop short of actually wanting to wear it, I just want to be surrounded by things the colour of raspberries and candyfloss.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013


I was going through my inspiration folder on my laptop today, and spotted a bit of a theme.  I've always loved kimonos, and occasionally scour ebay for a vintage silk one, but after their brief moment of ubiquity on the high street, I went off them a bit, having seem one-too-many photos of girls wearing them with destroyed denim shorts and stacks of silver rings.  The photos above have made me re-think my stance though, and the pink Topshop version in the last picture spent ages on my wishlist until it finally sold out- it's definitely housewear, and whilst I love the idea of wafting round in it whilst drinking large quantities of green tea, I couldn't quite justify £58 on a glorified dressing gown.  The hunt is on though, for something kimono-inspired for spring, preferably to be worn with delicate gold jewellery and bright lipstick.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Come As You Are

I've had a love/hate relationship with Vogue for years now.  There have been many a time when I've flung a copy across the room in exasperation and vowed never to waste my money on it again, after one-too-many articles about the private lives of priviledged West London party girls.  Every so often though, they do get it just right in one of their editorials, and Come As You Are from the March 2013 issue is a perfect example.  Doesn't hurt that they seem to have mainly taken inspiration from Dries Van Noten's S/S collection, which was possibly my favourite collection of the season.

Full spread here.

Today's lessons...

Are that the fitting rooms at H&M are the best place I've found to take outfit photos yet, and that I need to sack my boyfriend from his photographer duties...  Also, that I would probably greatly benefit from having an actual camera, rather than just my phone.

Left: Top- Zara Man, shorts- Vero Moda, boots- Beau Coops.  Right: dress- French Connection, shoes- Kurt Geiger
 Rather depressingly, I actually have a photo of myself from about 3 years ago wearing exactly the same outfit involving the grey lace dress.  I clearly need new clothes.  Evidence here.