Thursday, 3 January 2013

Lately I've been wearing...

Though I didn't particularly intend for this to be a personal style blog exactly, I've recently decided to get back into the habit of photographing my outfits*, more for me to see what works and what doesn't than to show them off to the world, but I thought they'd be a good introduction to me and my style.  I'm at a point of being quite bored of my rather limited wardrobe, so I'm trying to work out new combinations, and generally buy things that aren't exactly like everything else I own, something I've been guilty of this past year or so.

top-Cos, trousers- Topshop Boutique, shoes- Repetto
Jumper- ancient Topshop, trousers- Zara, shoes- Puma
dress- Oysho nightie, jumper- ancient Zara

*I used to very diligently photograph what I was wearing every day for a few years on mystylediary circa 2005-ish. 

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