Well, slightly anyway. The whole 90s trend that's inescapable at the moment has generally left me a bit cold, mainly because, for the first time in my life, a decade I properly lived through, regrettable fashion mistakes and all, is being ressurected by those too young to remember it. And I'm starting to think the old adage that if you lived through something once, you're probably too old to wear it the next time it comes into fashion. Because unflattering clumpy platforms- tick. Docs- tick. Rucksacks (mini and full-sized versions)- tick. Ditsy floral maxis, jelly shoes, Birkenstocks, round sunglasses, daisies on everything- tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. And if looking back on what I wore then has made me cringe ever since, why on earth would I want to adopt any of it ever again? And yet. Suddenly, after years of neutral, delicate sandals, and Havaianas for the beach, something alltogether sturdier and chunkier started to seem appealing. And I found myself contemplating Birkenstocks, of all things. Thank you Pheobe Philo. I must admit, 90s minimalism, slouchy trousers with sandals verging on the orthopaedic started to seem appealing. I blame all the fashion bloggers quickly following wherever Celine leads (and not myself for being a fashion victim, obvs). So I went as far as actually trying on a pair of Birks in Topshop. And they were just as awful (on me anyway) as I remembered. So I scurried away, tail between my legs, and searched for an alternative. And I found these:
Silver cross-strap Birk-alikes from River Island, a shop I've barely set foot
in since leaving my teens over a decade ago. *Hangs head in shame* To further cover myself in glory, I somehow, one grey February day, came home with glittery jelly shoes. I convinced myself they'd be a good beach shoe to replace the flip flops I've become bored to death of. And they were only £4, so I was powerless to resist. Now let's see if I get up the nerve to actually wear them. Meanwhile, I'm trying my hardest to resist the siren call of a pair of full-on plastic pool slides- watch this space.